Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope every one had a good thanksgiving. Mine was ok I had a hard time holding back the tears this year.  Not sure why it was so hard but it was, just thinking of family and loved ones I miss I guess.Being around a group of people who do not even like you is hard. They all were nice but I know.  As we sat down to eat Sam took one bite and got the hard hick-ups and went to the bath room and did not even eat so that did not help at all. There I sat eating  and trying to keep the tears back.  Most though I was just upset about Sam. I fixed him a plate to bring  home and we were the last ones to leave. We got back to the Apt. about 4 P.M.  and Sam still was not feeling so good and we figured out he had not taken his pills. I guess I just have had to much on my mind. :(  and  now I know he is also getting sick...... He ate the plate I fixed at Kelly's and took some nite quill and went to bed at 7 P.M.
       Well today  he still is sick and cant breath...  I called his Dr, and he called in a inhaler so I went and got it and mad him some chicken noodle soup. He ate maybe a 1/2 a cup and went back to bed. he has sleep off and on all day and I keep trying to get him to go to the walk in clinics or the ER but he will not go :(  He can breath so I guess I will not sleep.   LOL I know he is sick when he takes any thing I say, he took some nite quill and a aleve  and  I hope to get some sleep.   Good note all .....

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