Monday, January 13, 2014

Rainy Monday

 Sunday I  went to work but they only let me work 4+ hours and sent us all home. when I got home Sam Sam said he would  take us to diner so I drove back to Lexington and went to the Chinese buffet and it sure was good !!!  then we went to Traider Joe's and  to the Mall  to go to the last day of Sears in the Mall :( I got 2 shirts and a belt all 90% off !!  it was crazy the ladies and I say it loosely were fighting for the stuff !! lol  ... After that we went to Best bye and  I got Sam and Logitech Harmony remote <<<< click this to see it !!
you might find it cheaper some where but we paid 59.00 for it it is the 5 device one. We stayed up tell 11 messing with it and playing :) but got rid of 5 of the remotes on the table so I'm happy !!!!!

Today I was off work !!!
 I got up with Sam and fixed him breakfast (that he forgot to take with him) and packed his lunch. I wanted to go back to bed but it was clear and this afternoon it was going to rain so I stayed up and  went to the Chiropractor.  There was a beautiful sunrise !!! I did get some photos of it but cant get them to my PC yet my card reader is messed up. Then went grocery shopping and I stopped at the car wash and vacuumed my car out and went to the heath food store and got us some nuts and seeds LOL; and  the last stop was to the tobacco store.
   I got home and made my  Granola and yes I have photos of that too but cant post them :(  and I made some Chicken gumbo !!!! It was good but it is not as good as Dads :) I did some laundry and now going to watch Blacklist !!!! 

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