Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowed in and no power

well I had my Christmas baking cut short Saturday morning after the cookies got
done the power went out.. and did not come back on tell today !!!!

When did the floor get so hard to sleep on ?? I guess it is age..

We had the whole house lit up it was romantic.. LMAO

We have Gas so we had hot water and the fire place.. I cooked on the grill with the
side burner. I have to admit I can do it but HATE it....

Sam and I did watch the new movie Couples Retreat on my computer before it died. It was really good too.

And now we have to clean up !!! Sam got the TV going again and I'm off to cook all the stuff that thawed out and clean out the fridge...
If I get it all done tonight I will go play in the snow and sled and even make a snowman for all my friends and family in Florida......

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