Wednesday, April 22, 2009

112 of 365

I got lots done today.. I messed my back up first thing this morning drying my HAIR !!! Getting old sucks. I don't mind the years or even the wrinkles and sagging skin but the aches and pains are the worst thing.. any way on with the day. I tanned and then went Geocacheing at Paintsville Lake. I walked 3 miles and It was so nice and very pretty too.

Then I went to walmart and got me a new tree. its a Pink flowering Crab apple and isn't it pretty !!

Then Did BINGO at the nursing home with the homemakers. One of our members that was there not as a guest.. wanted to call today was she did. Miss Katie Prater is still full of life and looking for a man but not one that's in there she told me today !!!

I even wash the car.. LOL Carol said I have lost my mind but I think the photo truned out good....

I put out my hummingbird feeders today also and by golly I saw one too. I was hurting to much to jump up and get the camera so that will have to wait tell tomorrow.

I did get some scrapping done tonight this what 30 days will do for my flowers. As long as I keep covering them up when it frosts...

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