Thursday, April 30, 2009

120 of 365

We took a walk to the pond and picked wildflowers.

This is a Raspberry Finch
I took a trip to Somerset Ky. to day and it took all day I'm Tired and sore too.
I almost had a head on collision on the way back and I am still shaken up. If the shoulder was not as side I would have sideswiped it. It just was not a good day. I think he fell asleep and the rumble strip woke him up... It was raining all day and my car is very dirty. The garden has jumped with the rain we got though. It is going to rain for the Ky. Derby too. Bummer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

day 119

Great day today I had a visit from 3 of the grands in one day. Will wright more tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

118 or 365

I had a nice day today and tilled the garden worked on the puter for 4 hours with tech. support and still have not got the virus out. there to call me back in the AM. So if I don't post in a few days you know why. I had a dinner tonight at the nursing home for all the city volunteers. All the homemakers that do Bingo were there.

Monday, April 27, 2009

117 Monday !!!

I went shopping and headed home... This is becoming a habit... I stopped on the way home at a lake I have never seen before to take some photos of the dogwood and red buds.then I stopped and got some flowers and when I got home I planted them and watered all the others. The garden is going great I even got a photo of the Humming birds while I grilled a burger.. How was your weekend ???

116 Sunday

We got up Sunday and met another couple at the golf course. It was a beautiful day. All the trees were in full bloom and I golfed great too. We went back to the trailer and took a nap and Sam never got back up. He still is not feeling well. He works way to hard... 60 hours a week at his age is not good but you cant slow him down

115 of 365

Sam worked Saturday so I went out and about again. I got his laundry done and went to the park in Gallapolis Ohio. They were having a civil war reenactment. It was really cool. I got some great shots and will have to do a layout of that. I grilled out and we went to the VFW after and went home.

Friday, April 24, 2009

114 of 365

Friday I left to WV and stopped by a wildlife management area on the Ohio river. I saw lots of birds,but no eagles or Owls. I saw a car show at a Kmart parking lot so I stopped for a while there were some nice rides.. But it was so hot on that blacktop. I went to a few other places before I got to the trailer. We had dinner and went to bed.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

113 of 356

What a great day it was today I'm so blessed !!!
I worked in the yard and flowerbeds most of the day and got sunburned again.. That must mean it is going to snow again !!!! I want to get rid of the flowering Quince shrub in the yard because it is just to big and in the way. It took me most the afternoon but most of it is in the truck to take down to the river in the morning. Every time I took a break I took photos of the birds and sat on my swing listening to the music. I put some weed guard around the tomatoes to cut down on the weeds.. I don't know if it will work But I will let you all know. I had a very good day. How was yours ???

Sam called and asked if I wanted him to come home this weekend if he does not work Saturday ??? I told him if he comes home I will put him to work ie.. the corner round, turn the ground for the pumpkins, bushhog the bottom, ect. Well I leave in the morning to spend the weekend with him LOL I love you Sam !!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

112 of 365

I got lots done today.. I messed my back up first thing this morning drying my HAIR !!! Getting old sucks. I don't mind the years or even the wrinkles and sagging skin but the aches and pains are the worst thing.. any way on with the day. I tanned and then went Geocacheing at Paintsville Lake. I walked 3 miles and It was so nice and very pretty too.

Then I went to walmart and got me a new tree. its a Pink flowering Crab apple and isn't it pretty !!

Then Did BINGO at the nursing home with the homemakers. One of our members that was there not as a guest.. wanted to call today was she did. Miss Katie Prater is still full of life and looking for a man but not one that's in there she told me today !!!

I even wash the car.. LOL Carol said I have lost my mind but I think the photo truned out good....

I put out my hummingbird feeders today also and by golly I saw one too. I was hurting to much to jump up and get the camera so that will have to wait tell tomorrow.

I did get some scrapping done tonight this what 30 days will do for my flowers. As long as I keep covering them up when it frosts...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

110 and 111 of 365

This is just too too sweet.. I think It will get picked to be published next or at least should !! LOL
I Will post the photos of the day later, I'm on my way to walk at the park with Marge.

Yesterday I just watched tv and scrapped. I made a brag book page for a CT I'm on to be given away on my other blog.

I did some other pages also but I can't post them tell the designers put them in there stores. It's a secret..
I just love the new pages I did of Kylie. I sure wish I had some new photos.... hint hint Anyone !!
I had a few visitors today. Sam is teasing me because I refuse to pay $2.00 a pound for my finch seed... that's more them hamburger !!!!

It rained most the day so I did get a good one covered with water.

There are leaves on some trees but non of the Maples yet !

Sunday, April 19, 2009

109 of 365

Not to much going on today. We had a nice day. It rained most the day.We slept in. I got some good photos of some of the flowers. I packed Sam up and he went back to WV. and I did a few layouts.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

day 108 of 365

Sam came in at about 11:30 today unexpected... I didn't work at all today. He stopped at the VFW on the way home from the store and just did not feel like working today. LOL I love him so so much !!! the blood pressure machine I got him last week just is not working.. We know it is high but not that high.. so I did laundry and planted in the garden, Got a new machine but He still thinks It is BROKE too... He Just has High blood.. I know it is not funny but I have told him that for 5 years and now He thinks there all laying to him.. I do have to say I'm very proud of him for taking the pills every day and knowing that these are not the ones for him !! we will talk to the Dr. Monday and try to get them changed.. He is so so tired and even then he is the sweetest thing !!!!

this is his

this is mine!!! Sam Said see it's broke !!!

I cooked at steak, baked potato, salad and broccoli for diner it was great !!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

day 107 I think LOL

What a super day today was... I walked with a Marge this morning and then we went and looked at Kelly and Roberts home their building. It is going to be awesome.. But unless they make the road wider or put guard rail's I wont bet visiting much.. It is at the top of a mountain at the end of the holler..

Then Marge and I stopped and looked at her and Bailey cars in the other garage, He is a Car nut and also races them.. there all supper clean and in perfect shape.

then when I got home I have a Email that wants to publish 2 of my layouts in teh June issue. That is so much fun to see them in print !!!!!!! look at them now cuz on Monday I have to take them off all blogs and on line Gallerys..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 106

I did get outside today but mostly I scrapped.
Look the Lilac's are almost open now

And I hope we don't get another freeze or I wont get apple this year.

LOVE AT 1st Sight.