Monday, June 28, 2010

Yesterday Sunday we opened our vegetable stand....... I even made 20.00 some $$$

This sigh did not make the cut !!!!! LOL

I also made some more sweet relish.. Yummm

Today it rained so so hard. Then I went to a Gold for cash party accrost the street. Here is Pam
with all here gold. I brought 2 old sma;

Saturday, June 26, 2010

181 Days left in 365 !!!

I know I suck at this. I hate when life gets in the way.. LOL
I got a call back to work for the Cencus. I train on the 6th of July in Jackson.
I hope I get to work in Jackson too.

I walked for the Relay for life. I got up at 3am and walked from 4 am to 6 am.

It was so foggy that it looks like I was walking in a snow storm LOL
WE are about ready to open the vegie stand, we have the signs and tables ready.

I'm still making relish and pickles 1st.
It is Sam in the garden and pickin too LOL !!!!!
We are gitting tomatoes now but not enough to start selling.

we are enjoying watching the birds from the new bar..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I suck at this 365. LOL

I'm not a good bloger.. I do try to keep up but life get's in the way this time of the year.
I have been going to the garden by 6 am. It is so hot by 10 I'm drained

We kept Mason a day or two this week end. he is just so easy to keep. Leeann will be home this next weekend. School is over for now!!

I got 2 of the signs painted. Sam is building my tables. I have cucumbers, Yellow summer squash
and zucchini squash all ready to sell.

We are enjoying our bar...

Monday, June 21, 2010

It has been Hot Raining and busy around here. I did go wildflower pickin

we work in the garden in the am if we can and then again right before dark. The his and her'ss LOL tractor'

I watched Mason the morning while Sam took Cameron to Pikeville. Kelly came and got him
late this afternoon. She came with the kids so I did get to see them for a while.

Grayson really did not want me to get a photo of his cast... but you know me I did.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I was a judge at the Paintsville County Extension Homemakers Cultural arts day this morning
and boy was it hard !!! But it was fun too.

This was ALL HAND quilted !!!!While I was gone Sam plowed most of the garden and DANG I hate the crows.....
Look at all the corn and beans they eat !!!!
I still have work to do so will update when I come back in...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We watched Mason for a while today.
The gutter guy's came and finished it all up.

We got the trim on the bar too.

today Sam and I staked 75 tomatoes.. There coming along good.Hope to plow it tonight.
We have Mason again and we are watching a Bug's Life..
The other side of the trailer is here too. Still not sure who is moving in though..

I even scrapped a page or two today.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We got up early and went to Kelly's house to fix the AS upstairs
There is ON way I would live on the top of that hill.
I love the house and she has a wonderful place there.

Monday, June 14, 2010

We had MORE rain today. and Mason and Cameron stopped by. He could not help to splash in
the water!!! I love him so much..
I gave Mason a squart gun and all he wanted to do was get PAPAW !!! Good boy!!!!

The neighbor is moving a new trailer in in out back yard... I need get get Sam to stop peeing back there now LOL

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday !!!

Steve and Pam came buy to check out the new Ice machine. Sam is GREAT bartender. LOL

The garden is going great !!!

Papaw is a good bubble blower too !!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday and Saturday

I worked in the garden tilling tell about 2pm. Sam worked on the rest of the roof.

It was so hot humid.. I got it done then went to tractor suply for a cart to hall it in...
We ate the 1st cucumber out of the garden today too.
Sat. to day I worked for a couple hours and are just watching Sam with his new Ice machine..
He is so funny Back with a photo later. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I did not have to work today !!!!
I mowed the yard and the guys finished up the roof. well Cameron and Sam are going to finish it up in the AM.