Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 121 of 365

Paul Dudley started a fire out back again this year... the fore dept. came and worked for a while.
I will keep a eye on it tonight. It still is burning. Freda and Jim and even Cameron came over to check it out.

I worked on the bar stools. I now have 2 done and one ready to stain.

Sam worked on the strips for it.


I forgot to post again !!!
I finished my class and I passed too. LOL

this was are breakfast

I can home to a truck load of stuff to do the eave's and softie's.

My berries are all in bloom too
Sam and I plowed our gardens too

See him in his garden ??? :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deanna and I are taking a class and I'm tired and it is Sam and my Anniversary today. I'm cooking a steak diner.
Going to bed early and back to class in the am.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 118 of 365

Today was rainy and cold again. we even took a nap. This little guy took forever to get to the ditch.

I made another safety pin bracelet today I love. It is silver and gold.

we put the radio together and out at the bar. Tomorrow I have a class all day at the
health dept. in Prestonburg. and then a half day on Thursday.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 116 and 117 of 365

I posted one last night but I guess it did not post I guess. we were having bad storms.

Sam did the banks and now you see why I can't do it.

Cameron,Leann and Mason stopped after church.
I think Sam is almost as good as Mason at blowing bubbles.

Today is Rainy Monday. Its has rained all day and Sam and I went shopping.
We got some more stuff for the roof and then we had a great lunch.
then to Kmart and WalMart. We even got a new radio for the bar.

Look I think the Apple tree has some apples.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 115 of 365

The tree murderer was at it again today !!! I think he over did it, he has not felt good all day.
I worry so much about him !!
I now have two stools stripped stained and some varnish on them. and they look GOOD !!

I also mowed most of the yard before the thunderstorms.
These are the plants I planted last year and they are coming back so nice this year. I love them.

BTW last night we had a visitor after my post. They are becoming best buds !!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 114 of 365

They delivered the metal for the roof this morning.

I got one more bar stool stripped and stained too. I put another coat of varnish one the 1st one.

all of the azaleas are in full bloom, There so pretty.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

day 113 of 365

Today Sam went golfing with the guys today. I was instructed to have a me day. DO NOT do
any work. Just relax and enjoy, I did my toenails and eyebrows. at the end I did varnish one bar
stool and cleared the table of all the construction stuff.
WOW they are going to be so so pretty.... It is lots of work but LOOK at them !!!!

When the guys came back I had burgers and fries for them. They really needed to eat too..
The Red bub tree is loosing the flowers and the leaves are coming.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 112 of 365

We worked outside today most all day. I got one of the bar stools completely stripped down.
That is really hard work. I stained one and it is so pretty. Sam made some saw horses and that was a all day thing. I did not marry a carpenter. :)
we ordered the metal for the roof and it is going to be delivered Friday..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DAY 111 OF 365

We go the roof measured today and that was so so scary. we priced the stuff at 2 places and think
we know where and what color. I think I'm going to go with black, I cant go with the red or the
green. Now I have thought about it and Sam said to get what I want but I still think black.

We stopped at Walmart on the way home and then I worked on stripping one of the 4 bar stools. I
even worked on a new bracket for camp. I love it, It is small amd all silver. Them we took the small
fridge to the school and traded Kelly for the bigger one to put behind the bar. Now it is time for a
good steak diner and some facebook..

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 109 & 110 of 365

Sunday we worked on more tree trimming, Well that's that Sam calls it anyway.. :)

Danna stopped by to work out the details of the camp classes we are going to teach. and the
meeting is tomorrow about them.. Nothing like cutting it close. :) I'm making a safety pin
bracelet. and I'm going to help her with her jewelry class also.

Today Danna and I went to the meeting and it was good. After we went to the Chinese buffet. Yumm
I came home and Sam told me Josh moved out.
I stained the bar a Cherry color and Sam worked up the garden some more and we planted
some tomato seeds.
It is really RED but I'm going to redo the stools with the same stain. I like it but Sam thinks it is too dark.
This is the center of my new quilt..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 108 of 265

Today was so cold. I think I'm getting sick !! the wind was bad and they high was about 65. Sam got out and murdered my trees and shrubs.

I put one more coat on the grout and went and got tomato, corn and cushaw seeds.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 107 of 365

I worked more on the siding in the porch. Sam worked the ground up more and the we cut he
strips to go around the bar. we pulled a Flowering Quince out. the tractor won.. we cut it as
short as we could and hope it dyes. The other trees there are Rose of Sharon s and I really hope
the do better. Then a few more coats of sealer on the grout on the bar. I'm Tired and sore. Good
night all.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 106 of 365

It was a very busy day today. I cleaned the siding behind the bar, Sam hung the 1st bar sign. He
put up a mirror up so I can see the carport from the dinning room.
He plowed the garden more, We are going to plant corn and beans tomorrow.
I put another coat of sealer on the grout.
I even got all signed up for the State convention in Lexington the first part of May. Thankfully
the Extension pays for it all. sounds fun too. I even get a dinner and tour of the Horse Park
where the Equestrian games will be this summer.

My Lilac's are all in bloom, There Mom's favorites.. I have some in the house and they sure smell good.