Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 90 of 365

Today Sam got up late and I guess him and Josh got into it about 3am. I did not know and Josh
got up this am took a shower and left and has not been back.. I hope it all works out for every one. Both of them off at the same time is not good.
Sam and I took a drive to Royalton to pick up his continuing education card for his Ky license.
This is the Minix barn quilt. I can even see Deanna's house and bus too.

Look at the forsethia and the Hyacinths

Day 90 of 365

Well I missed my post last night.
I got this little gun for Mason. I was messing around and shot it at Sam this AM and never
thought it would startled him so much. He saw on the puter and jumped and banged his hand.
the look on his face was worth it. I laughed so hard. Even writhing this I'm in tears.. You just
squeeze the handle.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 89 of 365

I got woke up but the thunder and rain about 6:30. It turned out to be a nice day with
scattered showers off and on. The race got canceled do to rain in Bristol TN. It will run
tomorrow I hope.
Josh made Potato soup, and it was good too.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 88 of 365

It was a cold morning here.
About 10:30 I got a text message. Look out your back door.. there is a million turkey....
And there was. there were 3 gobblers, One big one and he was the only one struttin

I went to Wal Mart, spent the afternoon there... LOL

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 87 of 365

I worked on the kitchen today and not much more... LOL
It was snowing very lightly this AM but it did get up to about 50 this afternoon.
This is my Lilac bush. It looks like there are lots of blooms coming on.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 85 of 365

What a beautiful day today. Deanna came over this AM and we worked on our class for
homemakers camp this Sept. Then we all worked outside. I grilled burgers and they were great.
just watched survivor and Cougar Town. I love Wednesdays !!!!!
My garden got tilled
Boy does the dirt fell good between my toes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DAY 84 OF 365

I'm glad I can talk here with out any one really criticizing me. today was so nice. I spent Lots of
time outside, I think I got sun burnt too. It is almost spring here. I hope I get over the RED ASS !!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 82 of 365

Well this is going to be short.. I had a great time, I'm tired and sore. It is going to be a early eve.
We saw so much in one day it is amazing !!!! I will just show you some photos and tell you later
about it. We left he on a bus at 5:30 Friday night and we stopped at 4:20 in New Jersey and
freshened up. We got to NYC at 8 am and they picked us up and 10:00 P.M.. good night all !!!!!!
We even went to Harlem .. It was really not at all what I thought .

Friday, March 19, 2010

day 80 of 365

What a beautiful day in Ky...... It was about 68 out side and all my windows are open.
I'm all packed for my trip and Having a drink now so I can sleep on the bus.. LOL
Josh is making us a steak dinner early. :) Sam and I took a trip for liquor and smokes.
Living at the head of the holler takes some planing. We are all stocked up for the weekend.
Sam said he is going to get out and work up my garden while I'm gone, We'll see. I took this shot
in my front yard flowerbed. SPRING is coming. They said on the Today show that tomorrow
will be a record high ih NYC.. WOOOO HOOOO Have a great weekend and I will update you all
I got these photos of my Great niece's from my sister, are they not they cute !!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 79 of 365

Today I talked to my mom. Then she but called me LOL I'm all packed and ready for NYC
I will be gone for a few days so no posts
I hope all goes will here while I'm gone.
I did some work today for my new job.. :) well it is another one that at this time does not pay but
I do get any and all the stuff I want from the whole store.. I'm the customer service gal.. :)
I'm loving Sam is on Facebook farmville now. He is just to to funny.

Day 78 of 365

Well some day I will get caught up with this. I try to make it daily but I still forget to post.
It was so nice out I work in my garden. I cut down all the corn and took out all the other stuff in
it. It was a I'm geting it ready to plow.Sam worked on all the limbs. I finished my packing for the trip to NYC...... I'm really excited..

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 77 of 365

I did some scrapping and was on facebook. but look who is now FARMING TOO !!!!!
I have been watching this hummingbirds nest live Via web cam and I'm hooked.
today the egg was to hatch last night but did not, everyone was so worried.. I was watching it
and a lizard came to the nest.. Poor Phoebe chased him off the took the egg that did not hatch
out of the nest.. wow what a day... I know i need a life. But I love mine just like it is. Here is the
she has a facebook page too LOL
this is Molly she is a Owl to much fun http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-owl-box
her egg's are to hatch in the next few days..
Have fun . Night all

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 76 of 365

I wish I felt better today. All day I have had a pain in my side. I got up and made french toast
and bacon this am. I went to the tanning bed and when I came home Leann and Mason were

Josh made a brisket and we had pulled beef sandwiches with fried okra.
KK called and said Grayson wanted me to come to his ball game that started in 30 minutes. So I did. LOL

They are so big now I had to put them in the quart jar.
Grayson his dad Tony and grandpa Larry
and with KK

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 75 0f 365

I got up early and got the house clean and laundry done before Sam even got up. BTW that was
at 11:45.. He did not come to bed tell 4 A.M. LMAO There is no Nascar race today that is a
bummer. Tonight is the beginning of the new HBO mini called Pacific, I can't wait.. OK off to
scrap some more.
This was at 1 pm
This was at 6 PM and now I have moved them to a quart jar.. I love these little things I'm
going to start some plants starts in them.
this is what we will be doing this spring. we are going to take it down and sell the wood.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 73 of 365

We slept in today and I cooked a BIG breakfast. Then it was off to Walmart, I did some
shopping and enjoyed being out of the house. I started getting things ready for my NYC trip..
I'm getting so excited about it. Josh made chicken and yellow rice and it turned out great. Note
you all you mothers be sure to teach the boys to cook too, it is so worth it..

I only wish Walmart was closer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 72 I think of 365

today was nice. Josh is the new cook round here. He is a good cook too. It is nice not to have to
do that this week. Sam and I went to the store and on the way home he said do you have the

camera??? too funny he thought I did not but I did, so we went to see the bridge !!! Well it is not
any thing big but it is a much better one then they had.

Just your your info. this is Larry Flints (Hustlers) wife's gravesite :) it is on the way to the farm.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 71 of 365

We watched a few movies today and played poker. It rained and I cooked some big burgers.
We saw Did you he about the Morgans and Brooklyn's finest.