Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 60 of 365

After church Cameron,Leann,Mason, Kelly,Robert and Josh all were here for lunch
all at different times but it was a great lunch. I cooked a brisket and all the trimmings.
Cameron opened his birthday presents also.

And yes Josh if this is all I get of you it will be scrapped too. LOL

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 59 of 365

I felt better today, thanks god. I did some cooking and yes it snowed again today.

Sam go ta hair cut and Chopper stopped tonight, He is just to funny. This winter is has been
long and hard on him. He is just so funny and I love the stories of old times. I only wish I could retell them.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 58 of 365

I woke up this morning not feeling to well. I have scraped a few pages and naped some. I have a
brisket on in the crock pot for this weekend.
I hope I get better and not worse tomorrow.BTW
billy won the fishing turn. Last weekend here are some shots. they got 1000.00 too.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 57 of 365

Another snow day !!! I sure hope it stops soon. I did some scrapping and blogging and even make some cookies.
I made Oatmeal and then Chocolate Chip. Yum
I also finished the quilt top.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 56 of 365

I took the test this A.M. and this is what I got..Ya it surprised me too. the guy said I could come
back and try to get a higher score if I wanted to. LOL
Sam was going to drive me becuce it was snowing but I drive anyway. I was already very nervous. I'm just glad to be home. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 55 of 365

I am going to take the test for a census job tomorrow. I took the online test and did not do to good.
Wish me luck, I will need it. It sucks I cant use spell check or a calculator or computer.. that is a bummer.

Day 54 of 365

I need too go make some cookies but cant get away from the computer. A new way to cook, perhaps?

Click here to see for yourself: Adobe Photoshop Cook

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53 of 365

Look what I got in the mail today !! My mom made me a camera bag. I love it sorry the photos
are not that good. I had to use a point and shoot, My camera is in the bag. LOL

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 53 of 365

It's Sunday that means race day around here. I have to get the house cleaned up and ready. I'm
working on a new quilt also now that I can get in my sewing room. I'm just trying to decide how
to lay it out right now. It is so so nice outside. We are wondering around trying to stay out as
long as we can !!!!!

Day 51 of 365

we just enjoyed the day together. Josh went back to Lexington and I got the room
to start a new quilt.Sam worked on the bird feeders. I put one more out with thistle seed for the little finches.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 50 of 365

Sam and I took a trip to Lexington to sign the out of work book and get his stuff ready in case he
gets called for a job. The sun is shinning but it was only 15 when we left. When we got home it was 45 and most the snow is GONE....

Day 49 of 365

My new favorite cookies.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 48 of 365

It's head in under the snow trying to get the corn

The sun was shinning all day and milted most of the snow. We are down to about 4 inches now.
the turkeys came back and so did all the other small birds too. I just did some scrap booking and snuggled in bed and stayed warm !!!
Just as I was doing diner I saw two deer out the KITCHEN window.. thats a 1st.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 47 of 365

We took a road trip today !!! Rum Run. LOL It was still snowing and Sam said he was going to go
to Hazzard. Do I want to go with him ? Well either way I was going to be a nervous wreck.
Driving in this shit or weiring about Sam tell he came home. So I went with him. We got more
snow then ANY where we went. I am so glad our house is where it is. There are some houses
that I would not live in for even SAM...
Sam thought we needed a fire LOL

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 46 of 365

See the snowplow !!!
Woke up to about 3 inches of snow and it was still coming down hard. T the sun cam out and
it was pretty for a while. I decided to make a cake from scratch. it is a chocolate peanut buttery
with coffee in the cake. I put Special Dark chips on the top too.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 45 of 365

Valentines Day... Daytona 500... and the sun is shinning this morning but the snow is on the way.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 44 of 365

We got up early today and I made French toast and bacon.. Ymmm then I put the ribs one and
made potaot salid and baked beans for my honey. Sam even filled up the bird feeders and tossed
corn for the turkeys. We are told we are getting 6 to 8 inches of show tomorrow late afternoon....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 43 of 365

Today josh is on his way to see his boys for the 1st time in a long time. I hope he has a safe and fun
trip. I know he will take lots of photos too. we just watch the turkeys and some movies.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 42/365

We had a wonder full day today. we slept in late and watched tv. The turkeys did come today.
they scratched off all the snow on the bank. There was a very funny show this afternoon. A cat
showed up and I don't know who was more scarred. It was so funny. Chopper stopped by for a
while. I made a pineapple upside down cake, and it was good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!